A military DITY move can be very advantageous because it allows a service member and their family to stay in control of the moving process. Relocation is one of the most stressful times that an individual can go through, so they might want to allocate a lot of the work and responsibility to others in order to ease the burden on themselves. Although a military DITY move might be considered more stressful by some, it can actually allow an individual to turn a profit by doing the legwork on their own. This can help minimize some of the effects that stress can have during a military move.
Because moving is always stressful, for civilians and members of the military alike, it is important to plan ahead wisely and thoroughly. Though a military DITY move will generally be subsidized by the government in order to reduce some of the costs associated with it, military moving, can always be expensive. The GCC, or Government Constructed Cost, is defined as the amount the government have have had to pay to move the personal property of a service member during a government procured move, which can go up to, but not exceed, the authorized weight allowance of the member. Determining this amount before making a military DITY move can help anyone avoid any unforeseen expenses that are unlikely to be paid for.
A DITY move calculator can also be a valuable resource for individuals who have decided to make a military dity move. It can help them determine what their expenses might be, and make sure that they know exactly how much they will be reimbursed for. This can help alleviate a lot of the stress of a military DITY move by providing the individuals who are moving with a clear definition of the costs that they will need to either pay or receive compensation for.
In order to get properly compensated for a military dity move, service members will have to make sure that they act promptly. After finishing a military DITY move, they much submit their claim for full payment of their DITY allowance in 45 days. Not doing so could result in compensation that is less than what was expected. If that occurs, it could minimize or eliminate the benefits of participating in a military DITY move in the first place, which could cause all the extra effort to be a waste.