Daycare has been proven to be endlessly beneficial for children. There are many positive outcomes of enrolling a child in preschool that one would not normally consider. Not only does preschool offer a form of educational day care for your son or daughter, but child care has often been proven to help build the foundation of successful adulthood.
Childcare is an excellent way for children to gain the social skills which will allow them to excel once it comes time to start elementary school. By being surrounded by peers, and becoming accustomed to the setup of educational schedules, as well as getting used to listening to instructions given by a teacher (an adult other than the parent, or family member), children receive a period of easy transition from life at home to life at school. Child care prepares them for the challenges of entering kindergarten.
Although little formal academic education is offered through child care, academic success has been shown to result from attendance. One study found that, when comparing students who did and did not attend child care, the students that were enrolled in child care went into four year colleges more often than the students that were not. It would appear as if we can view pre K child care as a head start of sorts…a means of being slightly ahead of the curve. Learn more.
18 responses to “Children Who Attend Preschool Get a Head Start Toward Success”
I am so glad that my mother enrolled me in preschool as a child. I am currently working on my doctorate. Who knows, my path could have been seriously different had I not gone.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.
Hmm…I would like to see the actual study that is cited here. I am curious.