If you are an auto dealer, you should visit SmartAuction, OVE (online vehicle exchange), and Manheim Auctions. Buying used vehicles through insurance auto auctions is a great way to keep a steady stock of used vehicles coming in to your business, and you can get a great price on them while you are at it. Many auto dealers also like to make used car purchases through GSA auctions from the General Services Administration, which allows them to buy government surplus vehicles. Government surplus cars, trucks, and other vehicles have a reputation for being especially well cared for, so checking out GSA auctions is definitely worthwhile.
Dealers looking to make bulk vehicle purchases should check out Openlane, in addition to visiting Smartauction. They make wholesale vehicle buying “easier, faster, and cost efficient”, according to their website. Expedite the buying and selling process for your used automobile business; visit SmartAuction today, and learn how you can get involved with a company that offers a very high sales rate, and super fast turnover for most of the cars that get listed on the site.